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Our work in Romania

The work in Romania is designed for sick and socially disadvantaged people. Many projects are carried out to support people, to help them and to pass on the gospel. There are two clubs locally, Philadelphia and Hope Harbor.

The work is divided into the following areas:

EST. 1999

Rosina and Matthias Ruopp started “Philadelphia” home nursing in 1999. Her desire was to help the elderly, single people and the sick in their homes. The name Philadelphia was based on the community to which the main verse (Revelation 3:8) of MOT is addressed. The name also means brotherly love, which is reflected in home nursing.

Over time, the number of employees increased and the work was expanded to include other social-missionary services.



Through Philadelphia we want to support people in their different situations and reach them with the gospel. 



With Christian life support for addicts, we want to bring the love of Jesus to people from marginalized groups.

The Hope Harbor emerged from social-missionary work in 2017. As a mission, we repeatedly had contact with people with addiction problems (alcohol and drugs) as well as with people in prison. In Romania they are despised as people on the fringes of society. Since Matthias often met such people, we initially hosted people in our guesthouse.

In recent years, the Hope Harbor (a property with lakes) has been able to develop work such as help for those at risk - Christian life support for addicts. This center should not only be a working and living community, but also a meeting place. A social worker looks after the residents in the area of pastoral care and holds discussions with them.



Since the beginning of the war, we have been active as a mission to support those affected.

We organize transport to Ukraine almost every month. Through our work in Suceava we already had good contacts on the border with Ukraine. This meant we were able to help quickly and specifically.

We particularly support Christian communities and other local aid organizations that have very challenging tasks. They are active in the current war zones in Ukraine, where they save lives and get people out of difficult circumstances. These affected people can then be accommodated in emergency shelters in remote locations. We help people with food, heaters, generators, literature, warm clothing, medical supplies, etc.

Stations are set up that have to be relocated again and again due to danger warnings. There are various centers where those in need, for example: B. can do their laundry or get something warm to eat. In addition, people who are rescued from the war zone also receive pastoral care.


A big thank you for your donation, for every prayer and for all the help.

The Philadelphia nurse came to the house to dress Ms. Schuster's long-term wound. In doing so, she encountered deeper life wounds. Ms. Schuster was bitter. Her only son died three years earlier. Then she was diagnosed with cancer. Mr. Schuster immediately listened to the words of the nurse and Matthias. He noticed that the people of Philadelphia were living the gospel. Unfortunately, his wife died quite soon, but reconciled and at peace with God. Mr. Schuster committed his life to Jesus fairly soon afterward and asked Philadelphia to take him into care. A caregiver family moved into the house and a second-hand store was opened on its property. Mr. Schuster was able to become a witness in his neighborhood. People recognized that God had changed his life. In 2020, Mr. Schuster died at the age of 88. Today this place can become a blessing. Many people come into contact with the gospel through the thrift store through tracts, Bible displays, and personal conversations with the employees.

Schuster family

Our team

Without our great team we wouldn't be able to implement these heartfelt projects. Thanks for your support!


Matthias & Rosina Ruopp

Head of Romania location


Team Romania

Philadelphia & Haven of hope

Prayer requests

1 / That people recognize our motivation (God's love) and become questioning about Jesus

2 / That open doors are used to share the gospel
3 / That our employees boldly confess Jesus
4 / Für Bewahrung bei den vielen Fahrten

5 / Guter Zusammenhalt im Team und dass die Mitarbeiter ihre Vision nicht aus den Augen verlieren



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